CAD Skills

I'm pursuing a Mastery of CAD Certificate from OCCC, and I currently have a 4.0 average. Below is a detailed list of all of the skills I've learned so far. I have two more classes to go, and will update this page once I’m done with everything.

  • 3-D Parametric Modeling: An approach in which you capture design intent using parametric modeling and constraints, and this allows users to automate repetitive changes.
  • Direct Modeling: Allows you to define the model shape quickly, without spending time worrying about features, constraints, and design intent.
  • Learned the user interface of various software including Inventor, SolidWorks and AutoCAD: Menus, Tool Tabs, Commands, Feature Manager Design Tree, Graphics Area, and Search Help.
  • Learned basic Design Process and Concepts: Views, Planes, Axis, Points, Sketches, Boss Extrudes, Revolves, Extrude Cuts, Hole Wizard, Shells, Ribs, Fillets, Chamfers Patterns, Mirroring, Measuring, Assembling, Constraints, and Exploding & Animating Assemblies.
  • Created 3-D models from 2-D data and 2-D detail drawings from 3-D data.
  • Used AutoCAD to create orthographic (top, front, right projection) drawings, single view drawings, section drawings, basic architecture floor plans, used reference files and block library.
  • Used AutoCAD to prepare various Civil Engineering Construction Projects. Learned about City Standards, Abbreviations, Symbols, Call-out Labels, Equipment, Longitude, Latitude, Easting, Northing, Decimal Degree Angles, Degree/Minute/Second Angles, Bearings & Distances (Polar Method), Townships, Ranges, Sections, Various Pipes, Manholes, Stations, Valves, Fittings, Service Connections, Scale Maps, Topographic Maps, Plat Maps, Survey Maps, Sewer Plan & Profile View, and Water Plan & Profile View.

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